So it's been a crazy summer that I didn't expect but in a good way. We've been blessed this year at Glam 2 Go with a lot of weddings and a bit short staffed, a new baby coming soon (Dec 2013), and a active toddler that keeps me on my toes. We have hired a few new and talented stylist that I'm so happy to have on staff. And that's been the reason I've haven't really been on.
It takes a lot to try to jiggle business, family, home, and work. By the time it's evening I'm exhausted and can't find myself to get to the computer to blog or even dare to do a video and scare ya'll after a long day. But don't get my wrong I want to do it but my energy is BLAH. I'm trying to work a schedule to get my butt up at 4:30-5:00 am to get ready and try to get videos and blogging done before Noelani Stormy (now 20 months) gets up at 6:30 am to get her day started. Yes, she's an early riser and this baby doesn't like taking naps and really never has so that adds to my time of not being able to do my social stuff like I would like.
Now with a new little one coming soon I really need to get myself together to keep doing what I love which is share makeup news, tips, reviews, and making my clients feel and look beautiful. So please just be patient with me and know that I appreciate all you Glammies that follow me on my twitter, instagram, youtube, blog, and facebook.
If your a busy mom like myself, PLEASE share what you do to get your day going and how do you find time to yourself or to do anything in general? What do you do on your quiet time? Everyone please fill in your input.
FYI I've been trying to get to the nail salon for over 1.5 years to pamper myself and still haven't made it. Last time I got a mani and pedi (don't judge me) was the day I had my Noelani Stormy on Nov 23, 2011. Calgon take me away!!!! LOL
P.S If there is any typos I didn't get please excuse them since this baby is driving me crazy while trying to type this. TY!
-Crazy Lizzie xoxo
Survey Says... February 28th, 2024
1 year ago