Zoya Polish
A few weeks ago I got the news that Zoya was doing this great nail polish exchange program. Of course being a polish lover, I was all over that deal. 1 week before I found out about this, I had thrown away A LOT of old polish. I felt so bad and wondered if I can recycle or just toss them in the regular garbage. I ended up tossing them in the recycle bin and then I founded out about the program and ran to my recycle bin, hoping my BF didn't toss everything out. Thank goodness he didn't and I was able to recycle my old polishes the correct way. After all the picking out the recycle bin and adding more, I had a total of 25 nail polishes to send to Zoya for exchange of nice and new nail polish.
I went on Zoya's website and chose all 25 of my new nail polishes for the exchange program. Zoya made it so difficult to choose just 25. They have such a selection of colors with shimmer, glitter, sparkles, and on and on. What I do like about their line is it's all formaldehyde, toluene, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and camphor free. Thanks Zoya for this great idea and helping us keep the planet safe and clean! Details of program below.
Keep the planet a little bit greener one bottle of nail polish at a time!
*For a limited time, kicking off on Earth Day (April 22, 2010 - 12 PM EST), Zoya Nail Polish will exchange your old, out-of-style, unwanted nail color and replenish your nail polish supply with fresh Zoya fashion colors. Send in six or more bottles of old polish - any brand other than Zoya, Qtica or Nocti, new or used - and we'll send you the new Zoya colors of your choice in a bottle-for-bottle exchange.
Survey Says... February 28th, 2024
11 months ago
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