I was doing my weekly shopping at Sephora one day (shop in store, online, or Sephora JCP) and came across their clearance tower. The thing that stood out to me was Juice Beauty. It's been a line I have always been interested to try but stopped because I didn't know much about it and the peel was $45. That was $45 I didn't want to spend at that time. I know I sound cheap but what can I say I can be cheap.
Well, while I was looking at the product I noticed that it was 75% off. I thought "This is my chance to try it and it won't kill my pockets". I picked up the cleansing gel, green apple peel full strength, organic facial rejuvenating mask, antioxidant serum, and organic facial moisturizer concentrate. I picked up a lot and really wanted to try the line at it's fullest. Here a little info about the company: Juice Beauty history.
After looking into the company and testing the products, I ran back to Sephora looking for more to stock up on. It was upsetting to go into Sephora to be told that they no longer carry it. :( I'm the type of person that doesn't take no for an answer. I went home and called all the Sephora's in my area and no luck. So that week I went back to the Sephora JCP I got the original products from and Surprise, they still had product after they told me they were out. I pretty much got all the rest of the stock. I left out of there so happy and proud of myself for not giving up. Now let me explain why I love this line.
Well, I'll let Juice beauty explain it better. "Most beauty products that use “organic” in their marketing use only a few organic ingredients in a water base, making the total organic content dilute and often less than 5%. Instead of the typical water base that cannot be certified “organic or pesticide free,” Juice Beauty puts over 100 USDA certified organic powerful ingredients into a 100% certified organic juice base (made from over 30 different juices) thus bringing the total organic content up to 98% in every product".
I have been using this line for 30 days and have really noticed the difference in my skin. It's firmer, glowy, and fresh looking. I have never been complemented so much on my skin until I started using this line. This is from a person that has been dealing with adult acne since I was 23 years old. Now I must say my skin looks amazing and I think it's because of this line. I love Juice Beauty and I recommend it to everyone.
*I wasn't paid for this review and purchased these items myself.
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